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Tagomat® speeds up bag tagging process for passengers flying Norwegian from Copenhagen Airport

5 weeks into the Tagomat trial, close to 8 000 bag tags have been printed exclusively for Norwegian’s passengers.
The trial has shown tremendous time saving for the passengers when comparing time spent on CUSS kiosks and on Tagomat®.

By allowing passengers to simply scan their boarding pass per tag they need, the average process time per tag is down to just 9 seconds making the journey more user friendly and seamless. All data is further analysed by our BI tool MyAirport™ giving valuable insight as:

  • Average time passengers show up before departure
  • Number of bags per passenger
  • Usage per day and the hour
  • % of passengers that haven’t checked in online, but still want to use the Tagomat®
  • Number of attempts to print bag tag by passengers flying other airlines than Norwegian
  • Passenger with connection or nonstop

 Get in touch if your airport, your airline and your passengers also would like to benefit from a quicker, easier and more passenger friendly way of tagging luggage.

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  • Address info

    Erik Børresens Alle 2 
    N-3015 Drammen, Norway
    Tel: +47 92 62 63 10

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